Nursing Moms and Dental Health

Every mom wants to give her baby the best possible start in life, and many prefer to nurse the baby themselves or provide a combination of breastfeeding and bottle feeding. Whatever you decide to do, you still need to take care of yourself. Post-pregnancy dental care is much like dental care during pregnancy, as the mother is still supporting the baby’s health. When you have a new baby, keeping up with your health can seem overwhelming. Your dental care team at Uptown Dental is here to help make it easier for you.


Nursing Moms, Gingivitis, and Calcium

Did you know that lactation can affect a nursing mom’s dental health? Nursing moms run a higher risk of gingivitis. They also need more calcium to help offset the demands of lactation on their bodies. The increased nutritional requirements of breastfeeding usually lead new moms to calcium and vitamin D supplements, the latter of which helps with the absorption of calcium. Hormonal changes make women prone to inflamed gum tissue. That is why flossing every day is particularly important for pregnant and nursing women.


Uptown Dental recommends a few essential oral care reminders for nursing moms:

  • Drink water to keep the mouth and body hydrated.
  • Floss daily to increase your resilience against gingivitis.
  • Eat a diet containing calcium-rich foods, like yogurt, cheese, and fresh greens like spinach and kale.
  • Take calcium and vitamin D supplements.
  • See your dentist at 6-month intervals for dental cleanings.


Read more about nutrition and breastfeeding.


Baby Teeth and Nursing

Another important time for nursing moms is when the baby begins teething. Many babies start getting their first tooth at 4 to 7 months old. At this point, you can begin weaning or learn about biting and how to teach your baby to stop so nursing remains comfortable for you.


Studies have indicated that breastfeeding may help a child develop good alignment in their bite. However, it does not protect a baby’s teeth from tooth decay. Milk is rich with sugar and fat, so it is important to care for any teeth that come in. Dentists recommend getting babies used to dental care from the start by gently rubbing their gums twice a day with a warm, wet cloth. When teeth come in, begin brushing with a tiny, rice-sized smear of toothpaste.


Want to learn about teething? Read all about it in our Baby Teething 101 post.


For help with any of your questions about dental care for nursing moms and teething babies, contact Uptown Dental.