Dental Emergencies

Even when you put your all into oral healthcare, brushing regularly and flossing every day, dental emergencies can still happen. When you’re a patient with Uptown Dental, you should call us when you or your child breaks a tooth, loses a filling, or has a severe toothache. Dr. Lenz, Dr. Mueller, and our staff will see you as soon as we can.

What to Do for Dental Emergencies

Broken Tooth

Broken teeth happen more often than you think! There are several ways a tooth can break. When kids play, accidents can happen. Some sports require mouthguards for a reason. Older people can also be at risk of fractured teeth due to age. You can bite down on something hard, like a popcorn kernel, and break a tooth. Or, if you grind or click your teeth at night, your teeth can fracture and break.

Breaking a tooth can be painful. Sometimes, it doesn’t cause any pain or sensitivity. Either way, you should call Uptown Dental immediately.

When someone breaks a tooth or it gets knocked out, you may be able to save the tooth for restorative purposes. Do not scrub or brush any part of the tooth. Get the broken tooth in a glass of milk or tuck it in your cheek. Call us immediately for further instructions and emergency dental care. We will see you as soon as we can—usually the same day.

Severe Toothache

Toothaches can occur in young and old and for a variety of reasons, from tooth eruption to an abscess. Severe pain in the tooth or gums is serious and should be addressed as soon as possible. It may be caused by an infection, or something as simple as a piece of food stuck between the teeth or in the gum. Infections can spread rapidly, so tooth pain accompanied by fever and swelling should be addressed by a dentist to rule out an abscess. An earache may also accompany tooth and jaw pain.

Possible causes of toothaches include:

  • Infected tooth/abscess
  • Teething or tooth growth
  • Food debris
  • Tooth decay
  • Broken tooth or filling

When you feel pain around a tooth, you should look in your mouth for redness, swelling, and other irritations. Flossing may help clear out any stuck food, which may relieve the pain. Other options for home care include using a topical numbing agent or pain medication and rinsing your mouth with a saltwater solution of ½ teaspoon of salt in one glass. This can loosen debris while gently disinfecting your mouth. A cold compress can reduce pain and swelling. Remember that toothaches can be a sign of an infection, so be sure to call Uptown Dental immediately to address a severe or persistent toothache.

Broken Dentures

Over time, dentures can become more fragile. When they crack or break, it can make eating more difficult. Call us as soon as you can to address the broken dentures. You will want to bring the pieces of the dentures with you to your appointment so we can assess the best way to resolve the issue.

Loose Filling or Crown

Sometimes, fillings or crowns come loose. When this occurs, don’t brush your teeth until you speak to your dentist. Brushing may cause pain or force contaminants into the tooth cavity. If a crown comes off, keep it in a clean baggie, as your dentist may be able to adhere it back in place.

Taking care of your oral health helps identify loose fillings and crowns and prevent toothaches. We encourage you to get regular dental checkups for everyone in your family. To reduce the risk of dental emergencies like toothaches, make your family’s appointments today!